Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Time of Reflection

The year has almost come to an end, closing its blinds and opening its new horizons. As one looked back, much have happened, intentionally or unintentionally, good or bad. There were happy times, sad times; time where we all came together to build one another up, to comfort instead of condemning, to forget and forgive ...

As Nehemiah took 52 days to complete rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, The Pen resolved to move on despite the challenges ahead, thanking God for the friends that have stood by him all these while. These are the times true friendship blossoms, true friends become brothers and sisters at arms. One of the many up moments, was at the D-Camp that everyone was so united as one family, trashing things out, rebuilding the wall of trust and comforting those in need.

Few more days and we are going to celebrate the birth of the Anointed One, Emanuel. It's also time to rekindle our relationship ties, to re-establish our friendship bonds, and to re-connect with one another. Reflect, recreate and relax to a wonderful blessed joyous occasion. Feliz Navidad !! Carpe Diem !! Merry Christmas !!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's that time again

It's that time of the year again. The spirit of Christmas is here again. But do we realize the true meaning of the festive season? What is Christmas all about in the first place? Is it all about holiday? Or is it all about presents? Or is it about Santa? How about gathering?

As I revisit and recollect the memory, little did I realize that Christmas is all about Jesus, the best gift that we could have received. We are the reason that Christmas is Christmas. The essence of Christmas is not just coming to know Him, not just having fellowship to celebrate His birthday, not just telling the world how much He meant to us, but it is all about Him. It's all about His presence in our heart, mind and soul. It's all about acknowledging that He loved us so much that He came sacrificed His life on the cross for us.

It's such joyous occasion to reconcile with one another. It's such joy to have friends and fellowship. People who come into our lives to bless us in one way or another. Thank you all my dear friends! Thank you Lord! Merry Christmas !!