Thursday, September 5, 2013


Was just thinking to post this just to record my thanks and appreciations to all those heroes, sung and unsung, individuals who have come and either be a part of my life or just cross by. Life becomes more meaningful and more significant because each of you have helped to shape my character, personality, worldview and value system.

My first thanks of course goes to the All Mighty who has created my. Thank YOU for leading me all these while, through thick and thin, sending angels to help in times of need. God, indeed You have proved Yourself faithful all these decades after believing in You. I'm sorry to have hurt or offend You in anyhow, yet Your grace is sufficient to keep me going.

Thank you Bro Colin Chong, for being my brother and exemplary boss. It was you who taught me on life investment and it was you who secretly blessed me with not just care, but also in terms of prayer and finances. You are such a gentle man yet a man of principles and beliefs.

Not forgetting my elder "brother" Andy Wong for lending your ears to me when I needed the advice. Thank you being such a great listener and for sharing your life with me. Really miss those times when we would just sat and chatted over many things, ranging from ministry to personal.

Along the way, I met you Mr John; because of you, I could finish my Masters smoothly and really thank you for the laptop that came in handy when I needed the help. Thank you for offering your help in sourcing out a suitable employment for me at the time of crisis. Really appreciate your prayer and network. I am sure Ben inherits your side of being helpfulness that he is doing so well in BB and study.

Agnes, we met when we just started our Masters. You have been like an elder sister in offering your advice despite the struggles you have. Thank you for offering to help liaise with your department head. Though we didn't end up colleagues, I value your friendship and really hope you will survive your storms too.

Mr Cheah and Estee, thank you for being such a great encourager to me when I was almost giving up on completing my masters. It was so touching to see both of you actually took the extra mile just to push and motivate me to finish the course and graduate. Thank you so much for helping in the project too. Estee, really appreciate your help when you introduced your friend to help in the project.

My life and ministry wont be so colourful if is not because of you, my dear youths and students. Thank you for treating me as friend more than anything and to look beyond that teacher-student mentality. Some of you are so close to me that we could almost share anything under the sun. And I have seen so many of you growing up to be great men and ladies that will impact the society for the better. Simply too many of you for me to name one by one. To all my dear "brothers", you know who you are, thank you for accepting me into your life and for being part of my life. I really wish we could walk the journey of brotherhood together till the end.

Counting from here, indeed God is faithful when He allows all these people to cross my path. Somehow, all these come in the perfect timing, like it or not. And the list of thanksgiving goes on further. I hope I can give personalised appreciative post to each of you, but it will probably take ages and ages to finish recording. Only God will be able to repay every single kind deed you have given.

Thank you for your partnership in ministry. Thank you in the brotherhood and friendship too.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Moving on

Been such a long time didn't really sit at the comfy of my couch to pen my thoughts. And now is the last quarter of 2013. How I wish time can slow down sometimes. As I flashed back, have been through storms after storms, especially the last two years... somehow, there are still blessings along those storms, which is why I am thankful for. Looking back, is always good, as the saying goes "count your blessings and name them one by one"... I guess that is one of the easiest ways to keep moving despite the many facets of challenges, to inch forward despite the hurdles along the many faces of pathways: thorny, rocky, muddy, rough terrains.

Now, let;s see what has 2013 gotten me so far.... It was tough to begin the year after 6 months of "absence" from the teaching line. The first quarter was a rough terrain where it seemed leading nowhere, no light at the end of the tunnel. Then the offer came from a new school, though wasn't the one I wanted. The big news came one month later.

Stepped into WMS in the midst of preparation for the one of the two major events of the school. Lots of school jargons, adjustments and in-between lessons... My first day at school was brightened by a student who, out of the blue, wished me to have a nice teaching experience in the school. Such warmth welcome and hospitality shown. And am really glad that we have progressed further.

Stepping into 5 September is the beginning of SPM Trial. At this point of writing, am sure there are those who are still burning the midnight oil; after all tomorrow is the first tough hurdle, BM. After been made homeroom teacher for 5C, today I thought of wishing them good luck after seeing their stressed face. And they responded with a smile! And that just another approving sign that they really welcome this new homeroom teacher, whom they hardly know and who can hardly recognise and remember their names. I am so glad and so proud of them. Wesleyans, you can go far Above and Beyond.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

New Beginnings

Been so long since my last post. Suddenly the thought of reactivating my blog again. Well, what a way to begin by saying today is a great day. It's now June 2013, and it just shows that half a year has gone by just like that and what have I achieved (or lost) ? Should really start to count one by one, lest it would forever be gone, disappear into the thin air before making any significant impacts. After all, today is a special day too. And next week, will be the day I really start afresh in a new environment. New environment means new challenges await. I wanna believe that He has everything in place for me. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Starting Afresh

Been a really long since my last post. Coming to think of it, it has been a busy weeks then and now am still busy. Just wanted to steal time to rest, recreate, rejuvenate and relax. It is now February and it without me realizing it, is the mid February. Wow, time really flies and time really steals away your life. No wonder people say time is life and time is money. What is lost can never be retrieved. Like it or not, we have to move on. Question is how do we go about it?

Someone once told me that some of the most difficult tasks in life are
.. not in what cause us to fall, but in how do we get up after that fall
.. not in how do get up after a fall, but in when do we get up
.. not in when do we get up, but in why do we need to get up

All in all, each failure is a seed of success which was planted yesterday that will sprout into a giant tree tomorrow. Anyone reckon ?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Another month has passed

Another month has passes and I wonder what's there left ... Looking forward, another two week, the school gonna ends. Looking back, I wonder what I had learned for the past 10 months. What I had been doing for the past 10 months. Friends around me, each has their own lives, some already had families of their own. What about me?

Anyway, came back from SPW on Sunday. And now is the second day, yet things learned still fresh. To be frank, was annoyed over certain things that had happened, yet thankful over many reminders given. Deep down there is a longing, there is an expecting whisper. Am guessing, maybe it is not for me. So near yet so far. Lord, help me to focus on You and to focus to what I have now. Telling myself, maybe God wants me to stay another year. Maybe there is a surprise. Whatever it is, I tell myself, I need to pull through this. Question is : Who is still with me? What is there for me to continue to work on? How am I supposed to do so? And the list goes on....

Someone said I'm like a brother (or even a father) to many.... what a statement, but why am I don't seem to be inspired as much as last times. Another month has passed and no news. Maybe no news is good news. Whatever it is, Lord, I know you are still in control. Don't let me lose focus on You.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gone with the wind

Look at the date! It's already mid of October. Another few more weeks, we shall bid year 2010 farewell. Time really flies and I wonder how much had I achieved this year. What had I learned so far this year? Have I made any significant contributions to my life and my surrounding thus far?

Indeed there are so much that I've learned. Been a really hectic year, especially when you're part of an ambitious State. There are just too much happenings here and there. I would say I am glad to be part of them. No doubts crises still happen. No longer I view them as obstacles but rather as blessings in disguise.

All I hope now is not to let go of my dream and not to lose hope. Someone says to continue to have hope in Him for He is the Lord of hopes, dreams, impossibles ... only achievable by those who have faith in Him. With Him in my vessel, obstacles are GONE WITH THE WIND.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Two Choices, One Decision

Now that PMR is over, I find many of my students are like yachts sailing without anchor, but being tossed in the vast oceans of confusion. Cant really blame them as they are still young to be able to see further. Surrounded by misconceptions, many are like the blinds, groping in the dark; some are like the blinds leading the blinds. Sometimes I wonder, is there any way that these youths be taught to think critically; that to choose is just follow your heart's desire and not obliging to friends.

I recalled after my SRP time, I too was lost, but only for awhile. I knew very well that I am good in Arts, to be specific, Literature... but I wouldn't want to be in that class. Two reasons.

(1) Most of my friends are in the Science Stream
(2) That Literature-to-be class is one of the worst class in the whole form

So, with my result, I chose Science class. And that decision carried me to Form 6, whereby I continued in Science Stream. Not bad.. I found that I could have the best of the two worlds. I am good in both Language and Science/Maths fields. So, I reckon that the best decision to make is to always allow your heart has its say. Your heart knows you very well. Your heart always leads you to the right path.

No doubt, Science students have the wider advantage in terms of courses that they can do and careers that they could venture into, Arts students do not lose out in many ways. Of course, if you could do both, that is the best. The world now is looking for those who can blend in Science and Arts well.

So, follow your heart's desire. Ask those more experienced than you. From there, sit down list down all advantages and disadvantages.... then weigh out the options. When you can see the picture clearly, make a decision and stick to it.