Been a really long since my last post. Coming to think of it, it has been a busy weeks then and now am still busy. Just wanted to steal time to rest, recreate, rejuvenate and relax. It is now February and it without me realizing it, is the mid February. Wow, time really flies and time really steals away your life. No wonder people say time is life and time is money. What is lost can never be retrieved. Like it or not, we have to move on. Question is how do we go about it?
Someone once told me that some of the most difficult tasks in life are
.. not in what cause us to fall, but in how do we get up after that fall
.. not in how do get up after a fall, but in when do we get up
.. not in when do we get up, but in why do we need to get up
All in all, each failure is a seed of success which was planted yesterday that will sprout into a giant tree tomorrow. Anyone reckon ?