Sunday, February 22, 2009

High Touch Teaching and Learning

Some time back, I wrote about having to balance high tech living with high tech teaching. The good news now is that we also need to have high touch teaching and learning. Pastor Pam Yeang talked about The Seven Laws of Teaching. This is what I refer to as the essence of high touch teaching and learning.
#1 : The Law of the Teacher
The teacher must know the lesson, truth or art to be taught. He is to be familiar and know the subject thoroughly. Thus, he will teach with a full mind and clear understanding

#2 : The Law of the Learner
The learner must show interest in the lesson. As the teacher gains and keeps the attention of the students, students should make the effort wanting to learn.

#3 : The Law of the Language
The language used as a medium between the teacher and the learner must be common to both. Common terms, phrases and sentences which the teacher and the learner will understand in the same way. Remember the KISS principle?

#4 : The Law of the Lesson The unknown must be explained by the means of the known. Sounds philosophical. It simply means begin the lesson with what the learner already known or experienced. From there, proceed to the new material by single, easy and natural steps.

#5 : The Law of the Teaching Process
Teaching must arouse the students to learn things for themselves. Teacher is to stimulate the minds of the students to action and to encourage them to think of themselves as discoverers.#6 : The Law of the Learning Process
Learning is thinking into one's own understanding a new idea or truth, or working a new art or skill into a habit. This is related with Law #5.

#7 : The Law of Review and Application
Teaching wont be complete without review and application. Thus, the lesson needs to be completed, confirmed and tested by review, rethinking and application. That's why examination is required.

The Great Teacher of all, Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who has mastered these laws effectively. Let's all work towards high touch teaching and learning.

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