Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thinking out of the box

Ever heard of the phrase "Please put on your thinking hats, everyone" ? All of us are born with one or two thinking hats. The Thinking Hats basically was Edward de Bono's model of exploring different perspectives.

These are the hats being used for problem solving.
  • The White Hat (Observer) will focus on information available, objective FACTS, what is needed, how it can be obtained. It is a neutral hat.
  • The Red Hat (Self, Other) will present his/her views without explanation, justification. Most of the time, the thinker is full of EMOTIONS and FEELINGS, basing views with intuition, hunches.
  • The Black Hat (Self, Other) is like a stern judge wearing black robe; judgmental; critical; asking why something is wrong. The thinker presents LOGICAL NEGATIVE view.
  • The Yellow Hat (Self, Other), on the other hand, is presents LOGICAL POSITIVE view, looking for what's good and beneficial. The thinker is optimistic in nature.
  • The Green Hat (Self, Other) promotes CREATIVE thinking; exploring possibilities and hypotheses; new ideas.
  • The Blue Hat (Observer) is cool looking at the overview; having the CONTROL of PROCESS, STEPS, OTHER HATS. He/She is the chairperson, organizer; thinking about thinking, the steering wheel of a ship.
So, this is where we use the phrases "Thinking out of the box" and "Blue Ocean Strategy" hand in hand. I reckon that it is merely Thinking Out of the Box; Blue Ocean Strategy.

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