Sunday, March 29, 2009

Discipline or Punishment

This week's Sunday School was one of the most interesting that I've ever had. Sis Ai Ling taught about the book of Hosea. This is one of the books that depicted the love of God so much that we could actually see the salvation plan of God goes beyond the four walls of church. Imagine God actually told Hosea to marry an adultreous woman just to display the extent of His love.

We have heard many times God disciplines those He loves. Now, how would you expect how God dealt with these people during Hosea's time? First, Hosea had to marry an adulterous woman. Then, he had to name his three children according to what God has called : the first born son is named Jezreel (to mean God's punishment), the second is a daughter whom he named Lo-Ruhammah (to mean not loved) and the third child, a son whom he named Lo-Ammi (to mean not God's people). Later, his wife left him, and he had to buy his wife back from prostitution.

Now, the question is : was God executing punishment or discipline? Make a wild guess.

Discipline is meant for restroration, is a process that is carried out hoping the individual will come to repentance. Punishment is, on the other hand, is painful and is a consequence of not obeying rules.

So, was God punishing or disciplining Israel? The answer lies in the book.

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