Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Putting in Order

Looking at some old pictures from the camp we had at Dusun Eco two years back. The memories just came back, as if the camp was yesterday. And guess what .. I'm going there again this coming weekend.
Now at least I'm going in as Camp Advisor. This year is really a happening year to me personally. Let me list and name them one by one

1) Taken new role at State level
2) Assumes new offices locally
3) Sitting in the Council besides holding few portfolios

4) Advising few camps here and there
5) Has met new interesting people, thus enlarging my circle of influence
6) Being blessed to further studies
7) Being remembered deeply and encouraged

and the list is like can go on and on. Indeed, the blessings come. People investing in my life, I investing in other people's life and the process is repeated in God's grace and timing.

Lord, I only pray that You grant me the wisdom to handle these wisely, administering the gifts You've given me in times such as these.

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